Thursday, May 29, 2014

Education - Five and Funny of the week !

Friday 30 May 2014

We are at a point in history where everything in our lives is because of science, if we don't agree with it, (it's just not so), fact be dammed. I may have sounded a little hard edged this week, it's because this subject must change for us to grow and survive as a nation, as humans. 

While others look at the drop out rate of high schoolers, low test scores, private verses public schools, what I see as the truly greatest education problem in the USA. 

It is the willful ignorance of the top 1% and many in the top 20% of our economic system. Just think they own maybe 75% of the wealth in the nation yet in many areas they are totally ignorant, as demonstrated lately by some, they live socially in the 1950s, worst of all they have so much wealth and power they don't have to learn, they live in their little bubbles yet control vast swaths of the economy and wealth of the nation. (Now this is a serious problem to me). 

The kids well they will learn from life, because they have to, still have open minds. 

Once again state and national laws are not deal in reality, it's also true on other major issues.

I always end the week with a funny, understanding we should never take ourselves to seriously. This week the funny is really not so funny unless you get that the joke is truly on us. 

Over a 35 year period we have allowed ourself to become more and more an Uncontrolled capitalist nation where the buck ($) is the main objective in all. The problem is our tax system, budgets and are wages show are priorities. So in a way, well the joke is on us for the choses we have made. Generally a person in sales of anything, financial services they make good money, while teachers in general make crap wages, as do those that do the daily tasks for all of us !

Have a great week end, if you have time check out the my main web-site at Remember happiness is Oh so simple and a grateful heart is the beginning of wisdom. 


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