Thursday, July 31, 2014

Sobering Thoughts

Friday 31 July 2014

This is become crystal clear this week, yet with hints of humanity alive hear and their in the middle east, in other parts of the world ! 

Sorry Fox news, republican party your not alone on support insanity. In my war in Vietnam we had vast military superiority, killed a many as 2 - millions Vietnamese, I was almost killed in it, returned to find myself, their until just a couples days before as the last helicopter lifted off the embassy roof. We went to war in Iraq with 80% of the people in support and 70% believing Iraq had something to do with 9/11, today with thousand killed, trillions of dollars on the national credit card Iraq is proving to have been the most stupid war in our history do to the forces it unleashed, with us turning our belief in democracy up side down. War and violence is the most worn out tool still in used today. 

The 80% approval of the Israeli Prime-Minister means nothing, politicians never learn that todays approval %'s is tomorrows mob wanting your head. Human history old and news is full of this. Of course this is also true for Hamas but you have to be blind to your inter soul to not see the in-humanity that is taking place in the name of security. Oh My, how short sighted is this thinking.        

I care not what your religious belief system is, thats perfectly fine. However when a people take actions against who they our, a democracy that dose not support democratic rule, a religious people that become the opposite of their  history only hurt or destroy them selves. Todays Example, Israel as a people that wondered the wilderness for 40 years, today have oppress a people for 40 plus years, this is hard to understand, the story of King David as a boy standing up and fighting the militaristic giant that oppressed and threaten them seems also up side down today. In the end it is about who we our as a people and humans !

No funny for a 2nd week, I will not say sorry, maybe it is the life I lived, I do admit events do effect me, these type of events and places were my life, its that simply, at times you have to stand for who you are. I do believe in balance, except that we each can only do so much, however I'm convince we each must do what we each can do at times.

The main web-site is  Do have a nice weekend, if you have the chance visit my web-site. Thanks


Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Ignoring Problems, Really ?

Wednesday 30 July 2014

Ignoring, keeping away from reality, thinking it dose not effect us, believing we have NO responsibility is simply wrong. In the Middle East we supported for 45 years occupation of a people, Palestine, 45 years of support for many unscrupulous dictators to keep the oil flowing to us. 

On our Southern border with thousands of kids coming to it and turning themselves in, many want to pretend we have NO responsibility. I remember the civil wars of Central America and our support for different factions in the 1970's & 80's, our 45 year old failed drug war where we push the drug supply line & gangsters to Central America and yet we as a people still consume the illegal drugs, create the market, if you ever purchase and used illegal drug it is event more your responsibility.      

At this point in history this will not work, the very people calling for self responsibility, on these issues, want to think we have NO responsibility. Like it or not this simply is not true, will not work in the 21st century, the world has changed and we our an important part of it. 

For me its impossible to not think about our world and future, I do ask others to think deeper and more honestly about real and important problems. The world and people have changed, just observe how your daily life is lived, human history is at a turning point, excepting, facing and embracing it, this is in all honesty the only option. Please read the last (3) posts.  

My main web-site: 

Monday, July 28, 2014

Thoughts for This Week that Matter

Monday 28 July 2014

This is the truth, what I believe with all my heart ! 

A hard fact to remember !

It is not land, boarders and event money that is at the heart of our problems but this simple fact is what is behind those blindly dealing in insanity !

We built our world around all religions, based on the knowledge we had a long time ago. Humanity has evolved and knowledge keeps multiply, technology has taken us to a totally different point in human history. This evolution will not stop in-spit of the insanity of many, war and hatred will not bring peace or prosperity ! the main web-site. 

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

What Humanity - Respect - Community looks Like

Thursday 24 July 2014

Today The Netherlands received the first 40 bodies of the victims of M-17 jet airliner shoot down in the Ukrainian, this was the opposite of the insanity the world has witness this last week. This nation has a history of community, of democracy, compromise, working together in peace. Not because they have no differences, but because they know the reward of higher thinking, working together, a history of 500 years of hold back the very sea together as a people. There is a lesson for all in the contrast between war & violence verses respect & compromise. It is the result of peace, harmony, rule of law and respect for others and human life.      

With dignity for each soul as they bore deep grief as a nation, each body it's own hearses. There was no speeches, no national slogans shouted out, instead simple silence, to me this is cries out louder, stronger to the world then all the other news on the TV's today.  

People line the roads and over passes mostly in silence as the hearses made there way to the point where DNA and the latests technology will be used to identify each. 

A Sincere "Thank You" to the people and government of The Netherlands for showing the world what humanity and respect looks like, the rewards of tolerance and compromise, following the rule of law, this is what sanity looks like. 

Sunday, July 20, 2014

The Insanity of the 21st Century

Monday 21 July 2014

Today a little bit different yet full of Hope. I don't know where to begin but basically this is the insanity !

Yet today some people still believe in and use military power, brutality and war thinking they can change, control, coward people into sub-mission, for a verity of reasons be it personal, religious, national, and ideologic or the filling of individual ego's of leaders.  

The State of Israel after 40 plus years of occupation and rule over a people, once again believe they  can control, coward a people into sub-mission with military might and brutality, Hamas likewise believe only in armed conflicted to stop or throw off occupation, but history dose not support that. I make not judgement between the parries but have watch this insanity for my whole life with different leaders.

The shooting down of MK - 17 killing 298 souls for no reason by the Ukrainian separatists with the help, equipment and support of Russia believing they can control and coward a people into sub-mission with military power. Yes, there is some blame for Nato and its desire to draw the Ukrainian into the western economic system is not completely blameless but the use of power and war is from Russia. 

In the 21st century military power and brutality can only destroy but cannot control and coward a people. 

The world and its people have evolved and turned to higher thought and awareness. The whole world has changed because knowledge multiplies, because of technology has changed every aspect of all our lives, how we live. 

In 1120 AD Genghis Kan took and controlled a large part of the known world with military power and brutal actions, killing most men and boys 8 years old and older, used the women in all ways to strive on in his brutal quest. But mankind has evolved, reacher higher levels of thought. Yes, that brutality and thinking is still with us but it always fails today. Just look at the success of event our own use of war, see the useless and meaningless results of so much loss in human life and national treasure, just ponder the results of our own use of war over the last 50 years. 

The world has simply changed and war, military power, and brutality are worn out tools of times past, Thanks be to all the Gods or what every you believe in. 

The positive point of this post is any wins by military force will be short lived. The masses of this world will have a seat at the table of power and the way our world goes forward, equality and justice will prevail. Those that chosen war and such acts should be shunned and left to find there way to the trash heap of history.   

Defense against the likes of such powers will of course always will have to be, but there is a difference in defense and waging war, there are many ways to reach an objective, people do have a ligament right to defend themselves. But the world will move forward, many policies will be reconsidered. 

The world and humanity will not go backward, the struggle may at times be hard, but we have come so far and the masses of the worlds people our simply pretty much in agreement on this. Peace, Opportunity and just laws and trade, a forth right move toward dialog with respect to solve difference must always be the first and last chose. This is what I see as the future, yet also understand we our and will struggles into this new period of human history.   

The future belongs to those that understand this because the die has already been cast, knowledge will keep multiplying, higher thought is spreading, a higher level of thinking will come because it must for mankind to survive and evolve. When you think about it, this is how we made it this far in the on going progress of mankind on this earth.

Mankind is not born evil, but good and evil lies in the heart of all, we each have the ability to control our actions. We become what thought and fear we our feed or we allow to fill our hearts and minds. We reach today because Love, Sharing, Understanding, and compromise our far stronger, last longer with far greater rewards and that elusive thing called Happiness dose follow.  Hatred, evil, and selfishness simply is never truly powerful or lasting, it always has been so and this is why we always move forward in our humanity !   

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Change is Coming

Friday 18 July 2014

Today is one of those days when insanity seems to rule, at least effect the world !

Change can not be stopped, todays news of the insanity in the Ukraine, and in Palestine and Israel. What is so strange the future is so easy to be seen from the out side with just a little deep thinking of the reality over all, the fertility of the strong to have their way, looks and is so pathetic.    

No funny today because it is not a day for jokes, this could mean something about the environment or the mess mankind is making among themselves. The only good thought is all problems made by man can be fixed by man ! 

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Our Thoughts

Thursday 17 July 2014

Best did in quit, looking deep in-side, what you know from all of your life.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014


Wednesday 16 July 2014 

 ? ? ?

Love is always about giving of your heart, to often fear prevents great loves.

To be scared and carful is different be then controlled by fear !

All hate is born in fear !

Monday, July 14, 2014

Happiness !

Tuesday 15 July 2014 

Yes, happiness is not a place but in and how you do the journey of life !

No explanation needed !

Sunday, July 13, 2014

A Good Day

Monday 14 July 2014

You may have to look for it but it's their !

And I may add from lives experience, a lot of effort !

This one gets 5 stars ****** !

We all have problems to fix !

Friday, July 11, 2014

Funny for The Week

Friday 11 July 2014

I forgot the Funny for the week I'm sorry. Yes, we must always add humor to our lives and not take ourself's to seriously. After all it's about be happy and at peace with ourselves and our lives today. Maybe quit fitting for this week !

Have a great week end, my recovery is going so well, making plans to complete my big book and if you have time or interest check out my project as described at 

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Some Thoughts to Think On

Friday 11 July 2014

They can do illegal things but illegal No.

This I believe is true, it reflexes the morality of all nations. 

Between the shift to higher thoughts, the ability to connecting of people the world over and in nations, I do believe their is truly something about to change in human history far greater then most leaders and thinker are ready to understand or except. My whole project as explained at is based kinda on this fact.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Karma - Love - Living Simple

Thursday 10 July 2014

These need no explanation ! Have a Great day. 

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Where Strength Comes From

Thursday 9 July 2014

Without struggle and hardship the human charioteer can not have real strength. I've notice in life also that people that have know troubles in life's experience sense and have compassions for others in trouble. 

A nice thought !

This is harder to do but so very true.

Have a Great Day !

Monday, July 7, 2014

In a Week of High Passions

Tuesday 8 July 2014

My, but it was with reassurance I post this since this week the word  intelligence has been been something folks have accused me of not having ant of, at least a different view.

One of the problems of being to rich, to comfortable, disconnect by the people around us is you end up old with no experience. Will it take hardship for the upper and upper middle of our nation to learn somethings, seriously it is a problem for more then the 1% of the country. 

The truth is in the end I hope is we will find the way to shout out our difference, argue with deep passion then vote and respect the outcome to solve many of the issues today push in this period of Political Tribalism. 

Sunday, July 6, 2014

What I Can Do !

Monday 7 July 2014

I can only remind you what is deep inside you waiting to come forth. 

The way forward is simple but requires action and changing the way we respond in living our life. Yes, human Love is the weapon of the future, maybe always was  !

The future is always ahead of us not in our past !

The creator of this blog finds it hard to get started, looking for the best way to show how Thankful I am for my blessings in life, this last month yet again. To me its best to simply share positive thought for all. Have a great day !

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Back to Positive Thought

Saturday 5 July 2014

This week end of the 4th of July so much evil and hatred seem to be splashed across Fb and on the news, revenge in the middle east, politico tribalism here in the USA with an old friend e-mailing me that a Obama supporter should not celebrate the 4th because they didn't Love America. My responds is to post my thought post on my blog a while back.

I know 7 day late to restart the posative post, see you on Monday 7 July !