Friday, January 31, 2014


Friday 31January 2014

We end the week a little bit more aware if we paid attention to life, thought about the events in it, this is true for all of us. 

Remember to smile everyday event if it's at corny jokes, have a great weekend, check out my main blog at Thanks

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Being Quit

Thursday 30 January 2014

The person who receives the greatest reward from these post is myself, life has a way to show you if your true to what is right. Not related to my last post but to be quit, allow other to have their quit time, to find them self has long been a problem for me.  Of course it's because of the life I had, my desire to live a life of love. That desire to help others very strong, but allow other to at times simply to go through that struggle where wisdom is found hard for me, so like everyone I also must learn to control my inter sense, good intention don't count. 

Monday, January 27, 2014


Monday 27 January 2014

As I have said before my post are a reflection of real life, of late someone near and Dear to me suffer a tragedy, often tragedy for me concerns someone young with so much life ahead of them, just an accident in the events of our evolving world. 

This person suffered another tragedy a couple years back with the loss of a child, now the loss of a close friend. These are not the times few words but silence and action to help and love more only. My concepts of eternal life is not that of the religions of our world, but I do know that there is a mystery of life, our interconnection to all in the universe. These things every human has to come to terms with in their own way, regardless what it is we must respect that. 

Life and our world is full of many things, including real Tragedies, Yes a time to say little and in the silence find peace and courage to go on in life. 

Thursday, January 23, 2014

The first thing to understand !

Friday 24 January 2014

When talking about change maybe the first thing to understand is regardless who we our on the outside, basically we all share the same things on the inside. Be it emotions, belief's, commitments, dreams and all that makes us humans.  

A little balance after a week considering change ! Have a great weekend, if you have the time check out  

If change dose not challenge you

Thursday 23 January 2014 

What age and where your at in life of course physically the challenges will be different, event in our thinking at times handicapped by many years of set thinking. 

It is import we know ourselves, it is fear that is the greatest thing to overcome on a personal level, second fear of what others will think or say. Courage comes in many forms, it seem your alone at times, by following what gives you contentment however is where you will find joy, happiness, your life ! 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Change of the heart

Wednesday 22 Jan 2014 

In the end it is not a political leader, a certain religion, or a person, it's when a heart changes and our minds excepts and understands that it's about us. 

Monday, January 20, 2014

Excepting change in us.

Tuesday 21 January 2014

This needs little explanation, we grow or we we wilt, existing, waiting to die.



Monday 20 January 2014

When your young the ability to understand change is great, you are full of optimism, changing physically, all is new. Growing old it's impossible to not understand this if your honest with your self, however habit, fear, pride, these things allows adults to cling to the past, this what I have observed.  

Friday, January 17, 2014

The Moment

Friday 17 January 2014

To keep our balance with a little humor, the mind and heart of a child is often a great place to go, with that in mind. 

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Love Leaves

Thursday 16 January 2014

To all the family members and friends of my "Dear Brother Sherwin", to any that have lost a loved one, remember love never dies, we re-call events in life, but with people we remember the experience, yes the love of those moments you shared.

Love never dies, it's always their to remember, in hard times and joyful time, to dance with you, walk with you on your journey in life !


Wednesday 15 January, 2014 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

A Personal Note:

Tuesday 14 January 2014

Today I feel compiled to say something, Vidan is a Vietnamese word that means "For the People" my main web-site, , this blog page six, my e-mails, the book about my life Vi-Dan USA all the same, a ® trade mark. Why I used this word will become more clear as you read my book when done in a few months, basically the thought I share are about what I found as truth for me in live my life.  

Like all others in this world I was born into a belief system, for me christen "Lutheran", into a family where this faith was deeply held. What I believe today is different, from a lifetime of deep and serious thought. Yet today we live in a world that to have a different view on important subjects, at times taken as a rejection or a-front to another, but this is not my thinking. Every person on earth has to find what they believe on big issues, and respect all others belief's. 

Early this morning my 2nd oldest brother passed on after a extended illness, he died with his strong belief system, at peace and assured of his life and eternity, much as my mother did about 6 years before, a Christen belief. His name was Sherwin Iverson of Pagosa Springs, Colorado. A fine man, navy veteran, a self made successful man, in work, business and in build his family, respect by all that know him, he did live his life doing and following his dreams.

All belief systems the world over are for that purpose, to help people in life and to face death, or as most would say this temporary time on earth. I completely respect and hold that as good, I have been with others as they passed on with these same feeling but of another belief system. It is about having confidents in yourself and respect for others, things we should all always strive for. 

What I do is personal, real, about living life, done completely by me. My concept explained on page one of my web-site.  Todays thought was picked a few days ago but for me personally more important today.

This of course is true for me and everyone, I do admit I don't understand people that seem at times to not be happy for every single day they wake up to another day of this remarkable life, another day to be part of this vast universe. 

Remember Happiness is oh so simple, a grateful heart is the beginning of wisdom.


Monday, January 13, 2014

Watch your …

Monday 13 January 2014

Remember Happiness is oh so simple, a grateful heart is the beginning of wisdom.            Have a nice day !

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Friday 10 January, 2014

 The thoughts of this week have been did for a purpose, Yes, better without my comments, I guess important to me to make clear what thoughts guide me. 

One last comment, if I could make one wish for the world and it simple was ! That wish would be that women the world over would had equal rights and opportunities the world over. "Women as lesser then man". I can imagine by using  logic how this happen, to me maybe the biggest mistake made by all the great men that created our religious thoughts, in each one a degree of, Yes an understanding of the facts, but to keep controlled. Maybe it is just part of our evolutional history but I see this as the goal, the best thing that will change in the coming times. We all have a mother, their roll in life, their struggle has created a stronger human being, more inclined to the good wolf in all of us. 

Sometimes we can't see the forest for all the tree's, by looking at the big picture has always made the small things clear, easier to understand & except. Remember alway keep balance in life, to laugh and smile is essential & healthy.   

Our World's Reality

In our world there are thousands if not 100s of thousands of beliefs or religions,  Sanskrit is the oldest written language so as far as written down belief's, Hinduism has been recorded for 5000 plus years. Australian aboriginal beliefs are said to date as long ago as 60,000 years.

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are all Abrahamic religion or of the book (Bible), dates back to 1800 BC.

Population wise Christen number 2 to 3 billion including many cults and not necessary followers of Jesus Christ, the growth is greatest in Asia and Africa.

Muslim's number about 1.6 billion, 87% Sunni, 12% Shia 1% off shuts of both. Is the fastest growing do to young population and efforts.

Hindu's number about 1 billion.

Buddhist's number about 350 million.

There are 7 billion human beings in our world, 65 to 70% are under the age of 30, the masses of young in Asia, Africa, and South America.   

No comments needed except do stop and think what do these facts really mean.  

This is 2014, respect for all, torrance toward others, to strive for education and  understanding, these our the things that humanity's must follow. Then again this is the information age, micros revolution and it's here now, we live at this remarkable point in man's on going evolution. We can use our level of wealth and knowledge to move forward toward a better world, the future depends on  witch wolf inside each of us will you feed ? 

I talk about our belief's systems because to one of these beliefs each is born into, often forms the very basses of our thought on many subjects. It dose effect each every human beings thinking, to admit or understand that is best. 

My own concept stated at home page, please do take a look.    

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Birth and Death

Wednesday, January 8 2014

I believe this concept and it goes deep, for me it is life that is the real thing.

This speaks to excepting the reality of life and the universe, speaks about a quest of knowledge, excepting of the mystery. 

It has been said, history also shows and I have found that balance in life is best, so lets lighten it up with this thought.

The Golden Rule

Tuesday 7 January, 2014

The Golden Rule - (It’s true in all faiths) 
Do on to others as you would they do onto you.

Brahmanism - This is the sum of duty; Do naught unto others witch would cause you pain if done to you. Mahabharata 5:1517

Buddhism - Hurt not others in ways that you yourself would find hurtful. 
Udana-Varga 5:18

Christianity - All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them, for this is the law and the prophets. Matthew 7:12

Confucianism - Surely it is the maxim of loving-kindness. Do not onto others that witch you would not have them do unto you. Analects 15:24

Islam - No one of you is a believer until he desires for his brother that witch he desires for himself. Sunnah

Judaism - What is hateful to you, do not to your fellowman. That is the entire Law; all the rest is commentary. Talmud, Shabbat 31a

Taoism - Regard your neighbor’s gain as your gain and your neighbor’s loss as your loss. T’at Shang Kan Yina P’ien

Zoroastrianism - That nature is good which refrains from doing unto another whatsoever is not good for itself. Dadistan i dinik 94: 
  • The seven dangers to human virtue.
  1. Wealth without work.
  2. Pleasure without conscience.
  3. Knowledge without charter.
  4. Business without ethics.
  5. Science without humanity. 
  6. Religion without sacrifice.
  7. Politics without principle.

The point is of course is to simply think on your own, use all knowledge and experiences of life, also to be quit, still and to know. Truth & Realty is not easy, but finding and excepting it dose make you Happy, a feeling of Love for all living things and Life, gives a Freedom from the fear of others. 

Sometimes called Peace, both inter and in life.  


Monday, January 6, 2014

Evil and Good

Monday 6 January, 2014

From the ordinal American people to peoples the world over, this understanding of human nature was know. In fact to me this basic fact about our human nature, this reality was the driving force for the creation of all God's the world over, with rules, laws, worship, reward and hope based on the knowledge of their time.

All belief system share the concepts of good, of feed the good wolf, expressed differently but basically good. Religion is the man made side of our belief systems, not the spiritual side.

Today our knowledge so great, man's knowledge based on facts, why all old belief systems are good and spiritual, the forces aline against spirituality is however great.

Spirituality, awareness, and knowledge has always been the key, is our world ready for that yet ? 

My concept is stated at   

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Gardening is a real act.

Saturday, January 4 , 2014

If you are not happy about things the direction of the country, a small act that is real and personal in your own life is how real change happens ! 

Thursday, January 2, 2014

A project for all schools

Friday, 3 January, 2014

To teach children about and show them how to garden could me a mutable learning experience for our children, very helpful in mind and spirit, also practical. I do incurage others to pass this idea on.  


Something real many can do if we make the effort!

Thursday January 2, 2014

Many family in the world over could do this, the results are practical, almost spiritual, and the results unimaginable. It states I believe in tomorrow, teaches awareness to all.