Monday, January 27, 2014


Monday 27 January 2014

As I have said before my post are a reflection of real life, of late someone near and Dear to me suffer a tragedy, often tragedy for me concerns someone young with so much life ahead of them, just an accident in the events of our evolving world. 

This person suffered another tragedy a couple years back with the loss of a child, now the loss of a close friend. These are not the times few words but silence and action to help and love more only. My concepts of eternal life is not that of the religions of our world, but I do know that there is a mystery of life, our interconnection to all in the universe. These things every human has to come to terms with in their own way, regardless what it is we must respect that. 

Life and our world is full of many things, including real Tragedies, Yes a time to say little and in the silence find peace and courage to go on in life. 

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