Monday, March 31, 2014

Our Universe

Tuesday 1 April 2014

 This is a fact not being funny, we look and we see, how many grasp what it truly means, to be star dust of atoms, it's so humbling and so inspiring. This to me the greatest way to help people from waste their singular life as part of it, this knowledge the best tool to cure our many obsessions, our pride, to understand we our but one speces.

Life started on earth in many forms, we are members of one spices with big brains that evolved overtime, now in history able to understand so much more, yet held back by the weaker part of out human nature, at the same time moving to a new period of human history because of knowledge and fast. What a time to be alive !

A human being with life, 70% H2o, with a brain to imagine, to create, to live out our life with, using our human in-stinks that has also evolved. We all know about (fight or flight), needs of food, sex, shelter to survive. Maybe the reason we have come this far is our ability to love, to think with logic, reason, the desire to know, to dream, the need to connect one to another. We created Gods and philosophy to guide us, and then used them to control one another. However we keep on learn and evolve, today starting into a new time with so much more knowledges, we try to control the harmful Un-needed aspects of our very being replaced by our laws. That is the long held dream of peace on earth, our spirituality, I did not say soul, our spirituality, a hard reality yet moving forward to conquer, to except. Star dust to star dust with one life to live on this blue planet.   

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