Thursday, May 7, 2020

Inportant Post for Me

The COVID-19 pandemic is now often references too by Scientist & Experts as being only in the 2nd ending of a 9 ending ball game. I’m sure you have heard the President refer to it as a war against an enemy, an invisible enemy that can kill, injure to the point medical help is needed, destroys our normal lives and also our economy with so little not know about it. 

Why, humans have long known a biological Virus was mans greatest enemy and in history shown us that. We instead have standing armies out of fear of the other, we did it to ourselves. In the USA with the rejection of Science, event removing systems & people who’s only job was to lookout for the threat of an Un-known Virus, event used to sit on the NSC. So this COVID-19 virus became a world wide pandemic. Yes many failed their responsibility as leaders, many learn quickly and acted, others not so much. From the history of other virus and pandemic’s the world know the one sure way to fight it was Social Distancing, this often meant pretty much shutting down their economy. Since our economy in the USA, the largest in the world is based on 70% personal consumption.🤔🤔🤔 it hurts.

Certain things our becoming clear however already. Nations, in some states here in the US that did shut down early, follow all the know safeguards they our win over the Virus with this blunt weapon. Plus gain the time in many places to Test-Test-Test because it’s the only way we can see the Enemy Virus move in real time, then we attack it with contact tracing of infected people !!!

The world over and in the US, the 2nd fact becoming clear is Healthcare must be there for everyone. That means the most vulnerable folks in every society, the poor, those that do the most difficult jobs, maybe not so inspirational but necessary jobs like in the meat processing plants, the labor jobs of clean everything - everywhere. Then those in the vital food chain who job it’s to get food to the stores or to us at home. Often these workers have no insurance, live month to month in small homes. We have more prisoners per-population then any other country on earth, there in jail, prisons and all sort of detention centers. All of them our human, Biological beings like everyone else, (a host to the Virus) living in cramp quarters !!! 

😊Health care in 2020 must be for all because it’s first the right thing and 2nd. it’s for the good of all.  We also like other so called advanced nations have put our elderly parents in homes where again they have become (easy host for this virus) a problem that we must be be aware of. This Virus has made it painfully clear to anyone who will look, we can see the failures of our systems, our worn out habits, our extreme in-equality's between us Biological beings. 😒 This is why it’s the lessons learned in these hard time that must be learned good and hopefully fast. 

My advice to all young people is get involved in some way, in any way to be part of the war against this virus, be it stay at home, encourage others, or helping other’s in anyway. Do put our the effort to educate yourself and be part of the cure and a better future. 😊

Yes, many states in our Union our open up their economy event while the guidelines in place say 6-7 consecutive day of less new cases. Testing and contact tracing in place before opening up. We have -0- national leadership on any level concerning what my 70 years of life saw and expected from our government. (So yes I expect we will in 2-4 weeks) we will be forced to shut down as our hospital systems become strained or partly fail. 

The main point I want to make is this, we all collectively living through a historic worldwide change as to how humans have lived for a long time. It’s one of the greatest events in modern human history. It’s not just the Virus, we will beat it, hopefully kill it over 2-4 years or live with it throw different drugs much like Aid’s. 100 years ago the Spanish flu was an (unstable) H1N1 influenza, it killed 50 million world wide, more US soldiers killed by it then in battle in WW-1. The COVID-19 is a pretty stable virus witch means the likelihood of a vaccine is better. 

More then that, this Virus is show us Biological beings of the earth who our real enemy’s our. Many would say they our these Biological Virus, Global Warming and ourselves or certain old worn out aspects of our human nature and thinking 😜  However never in history has the world population been threaten at a time when a Scientist in Africa can collaborate with Scientists in the USA, the EU, South America and China all at the same time in real time. 

Our evolution has reached a point where the Thinking of the majority of the young has changed, they our NOT fear fearful of each other’s color, sex, belief system, race, who they sleep with or background. The accumulated knowledge of man kind has never been so excess-able. 😊 Technology is so much greater then ever before and multiple’s every 3-5 years, as dose accumulate knowledge. 

The pressures to get back to work for so many is real out of need, they don’t have the money for the basics in life like food, health care and a roof over their head. For many it’s to go back to the way it was before this pandemic and that is kind of a normal response for folks that had everything and got out of the habit of thinking, certainly thinking about others.  Then theirs the far richer with a million or few million thinking their set for life, have a few houses, investments, just need to get things going. Then theirs the billionaires & the .01% they need works to work so they can create more money 😊 Now in every group their our wonderful people working hard, spending their money and time for the good of many, making great efforts for the general good, but their a minority in this group 😒

The one thing I learned in life is that we must always learn the right lessons in life and move forward, not afraid or fearful but follow our human instincts to be kind, helpful to one another. 😊 Study, learn, make the effort needed to make a positive difference in life. Be happy and positive event as best you can in the hard times.

We our Biological beings that have evolved in every aspect, we know witch human instincts we have to control, these our quit old with a history. Pride, self, greed, hate, revenge and I’m better then you 😜 What I attempted to promote is nothing new but what many men, often men that stated religions always promoted to go attempt to make the world better with their limited knowledge. They our the higher human concepts of Love, Empathy, Kindness, Sharing and Giving, these our what has always given the reward of joy, happiness and contentment 😊 These also have a history and by working together people have did great things. Through the UN as perfect or imperfect as you see it we have vaccinated the world against several Virus’s, feed and raised the standard of life for millions, of course everything human has to always progress, be open with sunlight to prevent the very bad and harmful habits of old.

Personal note: I’m old enough to remember when the family and the one room country school had to shut down due to the infection of Mumps, not a life treating ceases but uncomfortable, over the years and development of a vaccine it was wiped out again by everyone work together for a common goal. The thing about mumps it had a (RO) of 10-12, meaning one person could infect 10 or 12. 

The future will not be like it was before this pandemic, the world and us as a people will have to witness a lot of sad things, fight for those who our most vulnerable, will witness change that is being created by the sudden change in the power structure in a few nations where people controlled others without the consent of the people. What will be the main energy in the future, what systems of governance will be quesgen in several nations. It’s a time when we will need to our democracy functioning well with truth and sunlight shown to all. It’s will be a challenging time and could well be a great time of renewal. please read page one at least. maybe see the post of 2014. 

Do be aware your part of a Great human event, embraces it as a 21 century human being far more knowledgeable reaching for the highest of human thought 😊

Richard L Iverson
Remember Happiness is Oh so simple, a grateful heart the beginning of wisdom & know Effort is essential for anything worthwhile in life 😊

Richard L Iverson

Remember Happiness is Oh so simple, that a grateful heart is the beginning of wisdom, that Effort is essential for anything worthwhile in life !

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Happy Earth Day

Happy Earth Day: 

Chúc mừng ngày Trái Đất:

Pictures first, Our Home the Earth, Arbor Day to plant a Tree, A young Activist here in Vung Tau, Vietnam before her daily run, I often see Phuong picking up trash, day after day at different spot, I've told her she is my Hero's. Setting a great Example 😊

Hình ảnh đầu tiên, Ngôi nhà của chúng ta trên trái đất, Ngày trồng cây, Một nhà hoạt động trẻ ở Vũng Tàu, Việt Nam trước khi cô ấy chạy hàng ngày, tôi thường thấy Phương nhặt rác, ngày này qua ngày. 

Rocky Goddard was my closes friend, we hung out, when possible played. Event way back then Rocky and I somehow saw that to plant a tree was good and needed. 

 Rocky Goddard là người bạn thân của tôi, chúng tôi đã đi chơi, khi có thể chơi. Cách sự kiện hồi đó Rocky và tôi bằng cách nào đó thấy rằng trồng cây là điều tốt và cần thiết

Of corse we would both go off to serve our country in an (insane war) halfway across the world in Vietnam, Rocky would serve a year and volunteer to extend 6 months, then was killed in action, naturally a hero. I would be wounded up close and personal a few months later, Rocky would of been a great environmentalist I think, it was his nature to preserve.

Đáng tiếc hơn, cả hai chúng tôi sẽ cùng nhau phục vụ đất nước của chúng tôi trong một cuộc chiến (điên cuồng) ở nửa vòng trái đất ở Việt Nam, Rocky sẽ phục vụ một năm và tình nguyện kéo dài 6 tháng, sau đó bị giết trong hành động, tự nhiên là một anh hùng. Tôi sẽ bị thương gần gũi và cá nhân vài tháng sau, Rocky sẽ là một nhà bảo vệ môi trường tuyệt vời mà tôi nghĩ, đó là bản chất của anh ấy để bảo tồn.

Today were at the beginning of this world wide pandemic of the COVID-19 virus, of course we will overcome this virus like all before, it might be 1-3 years before it’s defeated, however it will be defeated. The fact it turned into a pandemic could of, should of been prevented but our society and world had became drunk on $, pride and political power so the leaders pretended we were so strong and could blow off this reality. Rejecting Science because it explained reality, prevention and ways to protect us would cost to much, unpopular on every level. 

Hôm nay là lúc bắt đầu đại dịch virus COVID-19 trên toàn thế giới này, tất nhiên chúng ta sẽ vượt qua virus này như tất cả trước đó, có thể là 1-3 năm trước khi nó đánh bại, tuy nhiên nó sẽ bị đánh bại. Thực tế nó đã trở thành một đại dịch có thể, nên được ngăn chặn nhưng xã hội và thế giới của chúng ta đã trở nên say sưa với $, niềm tự hào và quyền lực chính trị nên các nhà lãnh đạo giả vờ rằng chúng ta rất mạnh mẽ và có thể thổi bay thực tế này. Từ chối Khoa học vì nó giải thích thực tế, phòng ngừa và cách bảo vệ chúng ta sẽ có giá rất cao, không phổ biến ở mọi cấp độ.

The truth is the true enemy of Biological human being’s has always been an unknown biological virus that mutated from another spices and attached us humans, the same way every other virus entered and caused harm to humans through out all of human history. We Know this, our leaders were warned of it, but knowledge based on science and facts was rejected.

Sự thật là kẻ thù thực sự của con người Sinh học luôn là một loại virus sinh học không rõ nguồn gốc từ một loại gia vị khác và gắn liền với con người chúng ta, giống như mọi loại virus khác xâm nhập và gây hại cho con người trong suốt lịch sử loài người. Chúng tôi biết điều này, các nhà lãnh đạo của chúng tôi đã được cảnh báo về điều đó, nhưng kiến thức dựa trên khoa học và sự thật đã bị từ chối.

Facts our also being rejected about our home, this blue Planet that has a self regulating biosphere witch allows for our biological life on earth to survive, but our home is changing, it’s growing warmer. The changes can be measured, the beginning effects of that can be seen in our extreme weather events. Individuals, people with a sense or awareness of nature and science have been push back for many years against the same forces described above. Arbor day planting a tree became Earth Day, cleaning up and concerned over obvious pollution, this lead to our awareness and understanding about our Earths biosphere, knowledge of the negative effects of what energy sources we use, use plastic’s over bio-degradable items, the effect waste products have on our lands and oceans, this thinking of total uncontrolled desire for more - bigger - and more again, this is also part of our insanely. This is the time in witch we now celebrate Earth Day !!!

Sự thật chúng ta cũng bị từ chối về nhà của chúng ta, Hành tinh xanh này có phù thủy sinh quyển tự điều chỉnh cho phép cuộc sống sinh học của chúng ta trên trái đất tồn tại, nhưng nhà của chúng ta đang thay đổi, nó ngày càng ấm hơn. Những thay đổi có thể được đo lường, những tác động ban đầu có thể được nhìn thấy trong các sự kiện thời tiết khắc nghiệt của chúng ta. Các cá nhân, những người có ý thức hoặc nhận thức về tự nhiên và khoa học đã bị đẩy lùi trong nhiều năm chống lại các lực lượng tương tự được mô tả ở trên. Ngày trồng cây đã trở thành Ngày Trái đất, dọn dẹp và lo ngại về ô nhiễm rõ ràng, điều này dẫn đến nhận thức và hiểu biết về sinh quyển Trái đất của chúng ta, kiến thức về tác động tiêu cực của những nguồn năng lượng chúng ta sử dụng, sử dụng nhựa trên các vật phẩm phân hủy sinh học, các sản phẩm thải có hiệu lực trên các vùng đất và đại dương của chúng ta, suy nghĩ này về sự khao khát không kiểm soát được nhiều hơn - lớn hơn - và một lần nữa, đây cũng là một phần của sự điên rồ của chúng ta. Đây là thời gian trong phù thủy chúng ta bây giờ kỷ niệm Ngày Trái đất !!!

When we win this war against COVID-19 what lessons will we have learned, what will be the energy source in our future, what attitudes with prevail concerning people first and our home the earth second. To win this war with the Virus it’s become clear to everyone that the health and wellbeing of all, especially the most marginalized among us, their health is tied to our own health and well being because we our all Biological Human Beings. 

Khi chúng ta chiến thắng trong cuộc chiến chống lại COVID-19 này, chúng ta sẽ học được bài học gì, nguồn năng lượng nào trong tương lai của chúng ta, thái độ nào với việc thắng thế liên quan đến con người trước tiên và ngôi nhà của chúng ta trên trái đất thứ hai. Để chiến thắng trong cuộc chiến với Virus này, mọi người đều thấy rõ rằng sức khỏe và sự thịnh vượng của tất cả mọi người, đặc biệt là những người thiệt thòi nhất trong chúng ta, sức khỏe của họ gắn liền với sức khỏe của chính chúng ta và vì chúng ta là tất cả Sinh vật Nhân sinh.

In our fight to save our only home the Earth, it’s also true in our natural world, we must share our world with all living beings, we must understand when is enough - enough and what’s the point of more. I often encourage folks to read just page one of

Trong cuộc chiến của chúng tôi để cứu ngôi nhà duy nhất của chúng ta trên Trái đất, nó cũng đúng trong thế giới tự nhiên của chúng ta, chúng ta phải chia sẻ thế giới của chúng ta với tất cả chúng sinh, chúng ta phải hiểu khi nào là đủ - đủ và những gì quan trọng hơn. Tôi thường khuyến khích mọi người chỉ đọc trang một trong
Chúc mừng ngày Trái Đất

Richard L Iverson
Remember Happiness is Oh so simple, that a grateful heart is the beginning of wisdom, that Effort is essential for anything worthwhile in life !

Richard L Iverson
Hãy nhớ Hạnh phúc thật đơn giản, rằng một trái tim biết ơn là khởi đầu của trí tuệ, rằng Nỗ lực là điều cần thiết cho bất cứ điều gì đáng giá trong cuộc sống!

Friday, April 10, 2020

The Lessons I hope that our learned

The Lessons I Hope that our Learned !!!Time and events happen so rapidly, it's our new reality. The lessons I hope the young and people will learn our these.
On page 1 of the web-site our my hope for our future generations, writen 5-6 years ago. Maybe because life changing events were part of my life's experience, this why these thought became my first page. I’ve worked on my book of raw history in the first person kinda all my adult life. Known the important part was the lesson’s learned living life, lesson’s often learn overtime, at times hard, often lonely, and complicated with learning an on going process that never ended. It could be that's what pointed me to these basic facts I verbalized as best I could years ago. This is the most inportant part of my work, the point I want to share today.


The point many are missing, all bases of power will be challenge or changed by the fact that the power is shift toward the masses of people everywhere, that the people will have a seat at the table. The real challenge for those in positions of power with plenty will be to understand equality, when is enough - enough. More important what is the point ! On the side of the masses of people it will be how to create change using the rule of law and order to created the rules, policies, and laws we will move forward under.

Equality for all dose not match our human spirit. However In-Equality has always been man-kinds downfall, certainly the ability to have the opportunity to learn & participate (education), the right of all people for the basics of food, shelter, medical care of our time. If we can't provide that, it has to always be the goal of humanity. This is to me what it means to be human ! This depends on what priorities we as individual people demand. Our we today at that point on human evolution and development ?

I believe today, if we look, we can see that in our world their are limits, we have to share our world with all living things and people. On a personal level for people it will mean dose more and bigger bring what all have long desire, the ability to provide for their family, share love, to have good health, a meaningful productive life and to know joy / happiness, to me it is that simple. 

I believe life has seasons, in each we live out our lives according to each with our abilities and awareness. If we reach maturity I do believe for a content and meaningful end of life season, that is found in giving back to our world, sharing with others, time or money. This effort to leave this world just a little better then we found it, the rewards our great, is part of being a human being. To be responsible to our home the earth, to have human kindness for others, sharing and helping one another is powerful, sometimes called human LOVE ! 

Richard L Iverson

Remember Happiness is Oh so simple, that a grateful heart is the beginning of wisdom, that Effort is essential for anything worthwhile in life !

Monday, April 6, 2020

I'm an Optimist and Excepting Reality



Like all of you I’m facing the fact that what seem impossible just days ago, today is my reality also, the fact this has happen a few times in my life may help in some aspects, however I’ll be the first to admit because of my rather unusual life it’s taken time and effort. In-part because I'm 73 ½ years old in all honesty healthy but battle scared, emotionally more sensitive, simply older and slower. In life I was force to fine the way forward, learn hard lesson and then attempt to live them out. Please let me say one thing, the reason the world, our country and everyones lives will never be the same is because we our all being force to learn hard lessons. It’s through hardship that humans have always learn the most, rose up to the challenges, found the best way forward finding our highest human ideal, concept, thoughts and our oneness as people so interdepend.
The Optimist Creed
Promise YourTo be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.
To talk health, happiness, and prosperity to everyone you meet.
To make all your friends feel that there is something in them.
To look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true.
To think only of the best, to work only for the best and to expect only the best.
To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own.
To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to greater achievements of the future.
To wear a cheerful countenance at all times and give every living creature you meet a smile.
To give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others.
To be to large for worry, to noble for anger, too strong for fear, and to happy to permit the presence of trouble. 

The reality of this COVID-19 virus, this disaster and the pandemic it has become, it simply didn’t have to be so harmful economically, so sad with high loss of life that it is now. All virus come from animals, mutate and cross over to humans who have no immunity to it, every virus operate the same with different advantages, but always kill. We have a lot of knowledge and in-fact experience, GW Bush faced-1 Virus, Obama faced-3 Virus but science was followed. This virus of course spreads easy Yes, but we know regardless of their actions all viruses that cross over to humans must be taken very serious, actions to stop and defeat them taken immediately. Several leaders around the world failed their people (by Not take their position of responsibility serious) to care for the public health. Why, well the same old thinking of the pass, pride, greed, power, economics, and different cultures / beliefs. Today’s reality makes fun of all the nations obsession with Large Military’s, Air Craft carriers, Gun’s, budgets cutting back on needed regulation in 2020, disbanding of systems already in place to protect the people. Sorry I better leave it at that. 

Yes, of the 240 million people in the USA, the fraction of those that will die is a very low number per our population, the number that will suffer throw this could be quit high and will leave an impression on many. The elderly, the poor, the homeless, those with health issues in the USA and world wide of course will suffering more. Those younger, those with means, homes with space to separate and heel up in, with back-up and money to buy food luckier, as I said in my second post in several places of the world the ability to wash your hands impossible. Having said that the COVID-19 knows no difference in your economic condiction, sex, race or belief system & politics. The point is event badly managed our country and people of the world will win over this Virus and go forward. What lesson our learn while living it our very important.

Pic-1 Is a simple incomplete chart, age has a big impact on who lives and dies, age a factor as is overall health. It’s a fact witch event the common flu shows us every year. So +60 +70 means something and is reality. As always how a society treat and care for their most vulnerable among them tells something about the society, this is an aspect of our humanity. Yes, event in this group a high percentage will recover from it, I want to say this as one of this group, if you have a belief system that provides comfort and hope thats great, it's why we have these belief systems, to my follow journeyers in life be not afraid, enjoy the smallest comforts, be Happy in your memberies as they belong only to you. Every life is meaningful and important, know your our part of a remarkable event we simply call it life. 

I also want to say something to my favorite population group, Babies and their Mom’s, young Children and their Parents (these two groups) my heart yearns for this event to pass quickly as any harm that befalls you weigh's so heavy on my old heart I admit. Then their our the young becoming teens & young adults, this generation will end up being the ones who will have to become the vanguard of change, lead and push hard quit soon. All together your our future, also that of our world and spices. 

Pic-2 Chosen years ago as my Logo, for me it so humbles me, the only blue planet we can see with all our technology looking light years out into space. At night when I look at the star’s I’m always reminded they our but a sun for another cluster of planets and their moons, it’s my way of comprehending the vastness if the universe. 

Pic-3 Me aware and so Thankful this event happen while I was here in Vietnam. However this pandemic makes me feel strange & lucky once again. My small beautiful room near the beach, Vietnam where my second life or awareness was born 54 years ago in war. Today it’s a land where there our no gun’s in the hands of the public with the thinking (for what reason would anyone want a gun). Located on the border of China, Vietnam started reacting seriously to the news of the Virus back in January with social distancing, a proven old method when their is little information. A land of 96 million with only 241 cases, adding only 1 case today. 

Pic-4 The one thing thats been proven to me over and over again in life is that everything come from our Brains and what we Think. Our position in the world as humans come from the fact we have evolved with these remarkable big brains. Of course humans our a complex being but the controlling organ is our brain, what we think. My only hope is that the right lesson our learned from this pandemic !!!
My first life changing event left me with a deep feeling of Guilt, (a guilt for being alive). It’s a dangerous feeling, often men of war make the wrong turns, choose the wrong comfort. It was shear luck I chose the way that brought me to today, of course often misunderstood. My second life changing event came at 22 year old in Hawaii on my way back to Vietnam. Naturally the event involved violence and near violence, things that add nothing to this post. I’ll will share it in my book, but Yes, my choice was not to take revenge, to not participate in hate, the reason that thought won out over other feelings was because event in war, in battle, in combat I had never acted in hate. Yes I went to war with misguided information from the country of my birth. This lesson and solution to that feeling of guilt while returning to Vietnam in 1968. The power of our minds to change our very being is something I do believe is possible and good. 

Naturally a story behind this creed. At age 21, out of the hospital from wounds in war after almost a year I went home to Fort Collins, CO. I moved from the family home because I was a man, my best friends like Nancy was off to college, as was Butch Gorshing, another friend Jerry Magie was still in the air force. Jerry’s Dad, Morse Magie hired me to bar keep as he owe the (Town Pump on College avenue), the best beer bar ever that served hot dogs. He also ask me to join the Optimist Club, me a kid among these older guys. As a person I was in already deep into thoughts from the Bible, motivational speaker, (Poem’s learn and read in the hospital thanks to another friend of 51 years Joey) This creed inspired me, verbalized what made perfect sense to me.

Richard L Iverson

Remember Happiness is Oh so simple, that a grateful heart is the beginning of wisdom, that Effort is essential for anything worthwhile in life !

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Recognizing the Harshness of the Battle


In this battle to fight this COVID-19 Virus, to me it's best to be open to reality, to recognize the Harshness of this battle. I do get the need to Socially isolate from each other, I understand why but openly admit this is very hard for me. I can not imagine how hard it must be for young parents, for couples to not hold and touch each other and loved ones. I’m not a trained writer so it's best to stick to my person experiences.

It is true if a loved one tests positive, or to be serious and responsible about being part of the cure, we have to separate ourselves from everyone except for necessary things that must be done. I thankful I'am an Grand-pa now days.

I started these post with the realization that it’s maybe better to try hard to share the most important lessons learn in life while I can. Maybe event publish to my blog or in some form a free overview of my book of raw history in the first person sharing the most important lessons learned. There were lessons learned in my life and lived out to a great deal. 

One of those Lessons is to live each moment of life, to take in the whole aspect of the moment your living. To never say goodbye to anyone without making it as If it was your last goodbye. 

Of course an old marine might say such, yes it was obvious in war for me also. For me the human touch, the importance I put on it or the lack of it was always big. In life did that make me strong or weak, that probably depends on your value system in life. 

Like everyone I fear for those I love, some like me a little old, some with health issues, all children and one pregnant 🤔

Pictures: Keeping with the theme of raw history in the first person. The first pic’s our of Lisa & Allen of Da Nang Vietnam, in the early months of 1969. There father was an Italian sailor, he worked on the costal water ships & in the shipping lanes of Asia. There Mom a Vietnamese about 2-3 months pregnant when I meet her. 2nd set of kids is Tricia and our 4- children in an old pictures. 3rd is my Mom who lived to 90 years old. 4th Nancy Shine More, my first girl friend at 15 and friend for 42 years 😊

Lisa & Allen were living in the smaller, unapproved housing that popped up near city’s & military bases durning the VN war. I had already had my 8 months of combat, my final battle becaming a survivor. A year in the hospital, another year attempting to figure out life, so I returned to Vietnam with no job, connections or money but I was able to find a job selling military club supplies, sent to Da Nang to set up & sells to the Marine Corp clubs 😊

The war was at it’s highest level ½ million US troops in 1969, I went to the clubs, meet the Sargents in charge a few hrs a day. I had free time, I walked to the Military PX as I had been granted a temporary retirement from the Marines so I could use the PX system 😊

Walking along the rows of house there sat these beautiful kids, dressed so differently, so clean and when I said Hi they spoke back in perfect English. Naturally I stop & talked, meet their mother. Later at the PX I purchased apples, candy, comic books, all kind of thing a 23 year old kid would thing kids would want.

So begin several months of a friendship, one nigh I speeding several hrs in the sandbag buckets with them as rockets came in while I was their, me stuck at their place for the night due to the curfew 11:00 PM no one can traveled.

These the first children that stole my hear, bent and shaped my personality in those early days of searching. Like a few other memories, clear like yesterday these two children hold that position like others. Meaning they engaged my whole emotional system and personality, why I never forget them. 

The remarkable thing is that in April 1975, I ran into there Mom & Dad on the streets of Saigon, me able to give them the letter or affidavit of support to exit Saigon. I had help create that letter working in the evacuation of Saigon, explain how & what to do. She offered to take me to see Allen & Lisa but I was extremely busy and declined. 😒I am sure there somewhere, most likely in Europe age 53 & 56 today.

Yes, this is a real and true story, the beginning of a lesson learned.

Without education I became an electrician, work came from overseas because of my overseas experience. Working 22 years in the Middle East, 2-years in Iran family status, a revolution came so we had to run, then spending 20 years in Saudi Arabia, found the oil field & worked different schedules for 20 years flying home ever month or two.
There was so many times I pray to all the Gods to please allow me to return, just one more time to my family 😒🙏🙏🙏Please Please let me see and hold my family one more time !!!

Yes, another true and real lesson learned in My life. 

My Mom lived to be 90 so it became a fact for years each time I saw her it was as if our last time 😊 I had the luck to spend her last week alive with her at my brothers house, my last night she woke up different and passed 3-days later. No I did not return for the funeral 😊(There was no need), of course often others will never understand but that’s fine. 

Nancy my first girl friend and close friend for 42 years. A few weeks after my Mom passed on Nancy had informed me she was still not feeling well, the same as when I was at home to visit my Mom. We communicate by email, her quit sure it was limes disease, a week later my friend Butch called and told me Nancy had cancer, was in the hospital with only days to live. I found it best to send flowers & notes I will share those notes in the book.

This was 2007 and she was not only my friend, she was going to help me write my book to try to make the world a little better place 😊 We had planned everything in case something happen to me chasing all over the world, we never had an argument so was always a nice goodbye. But no we never talked about if she left our world first 😒 Then what 😊🌈🌈🌈

This concept of learning from life, from our accumulated days of experiences, from self study with a desire to know the truth. These were things Nancy also believed and lived 😊

I sense or feel at this moment of this human challenge and change the lessons learned our very important. Of course humans will win over this Virus and the lessons learn applied to our lives 😊
Page - 1 of with maybe an idea to think about
Blog -

My heart goes out to anyone that dose not get to say or be with, touch a loved one sick or about to pass 😒

To be Honest I have to add one other truth. From experience when I was at the edge of life for sometime, the truth is death is very personal, who comes by to say goodbye, who your with or alone, this though was not an issue for me. Our bodies, our brains our so remarkable they produce chemicals that seem to ease the way. 
Maybe I should not say this but it is the truth for me.

Happiness is Oh so simple, a Grateful Heart is the beginning of wisdom 😊

Monday, March 23, 2020

The Wonders of life & Nature



In this fast moving crisis 5 days seem so long ago, certain numbers double, as dose our fears and uncertainty. 

With less advice (I hear the Thank U / Thank U) Just want to share some sights of my village by the sea, maybe a thought. Also let me admit personally the harshness of this moment for me a baby kissing / hugging Grandpa, hand shaking never meet a stranger personality, it sucks and is hard 😛 Life, well it goes on like always. 

Pic's, The Awesome mornings befor the sun rises, a young boy on the beach being a boy & showing off, my young friend who also happens to be an Annty with her niece in a recent picture, (witch one it's hard to tell), is the most thrilled & Happy. The quietness of these times and the elderly person watching as other's pull in the fishing nets. Yes, life goes on. 

On a personal level, like Hong Kong, Vietnam is making sure the early strong measures our not lost by letting up to early on pushing methods of separation or social distancing. So more stringent measures, mask worned always when out side, alway thinking Ur enffected and U don't want to bring harm to others. Many closers of business with me wondering will the government create a safety net to help the people ? 

Maybe some of us might not see the end result of this historic uphevel, I am quit sure however that the young will learn the right lesson, that is by work together for a common good under the law with consern and caring for others that wins the day and this war with the Virus 🙂

To those that know me be aware I always hold all good thoughts, moments, feelings and love in me always. These feelings & memories never change. To those I write for, the Young. Try to create a more positive, loving world, aware your the first generation in history that for the most part, most have rejected the fear of the other, or sit in judgement of others life styles or belief's. In general reject or qustgen the Imaginary Gods of your parents. Have a sense of Equality for others life & rights. 

Do take the time to think about the concepts of page -1 of good thoughts and inspirational thinking and other things at . Most important have a nice day, be aware, be kind, share and work together for a new world and thinking.